Getting Started With TailwindCSS🚀 👨‍💻

Ikechuku Ukpa
4 min readMar 15, 2020

What is Tailwind🤔?

Tailwind is a CSS framework that makes use of responsive, single-use utility classes. According to the official documentation, Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces. This article aims to give a brief introduction/crash-course to this productivity tool.

If you are front end web developer, you probably already familiar with Bootstrap or some other CSS Framework( theres a ton of them out there).

Although bootstrap is great and the most popular CSS framework, it is not necessarily the best for everyone/every project. If you are a fan of Bootstrap’s utility classes you will love tailwind. Tailwind focuses on productivity as opposed to giving you an opinionated way to build your components/elements.

I stumbled on tailwind doing some research on web design best practices. While watching Steve Schoger’s(co-creator of Tailwind) talk on “Refactoring UI “|CSS Day 2019 he spoke about Tailwind CSS so I went on to the official site to check it out. As I watched the demo on the index page, I was captivated by the unique approach of this framework and I fell in love

contact card built with tailwind
source: TailwindCSS website

I challenged myself to learn something new. As soon as I tried using Tailwind CSS to build a simple dashboard design, it was a game-changer for me. Since then I have used it in some real projects and I’ve experienced a significant boost in my productivity. I can now write responsive UIs up to 2X faster. My CSS code is now way more concise and maintainable and I can customize it however I need.

Now is a good time to learn and take advantage of the full functionality of this forward-thinking and well-thought-out framework.

Let’s Get Started!


The easiest way to use tailwind is through the CDN link, but it comes with limitations. ( you won’t be able to write/compile your own custom classes with tailwind code). you could install tailwind using a package manager

The easiest way to use tailwind through the CDN link, but it doesn’t provide the full features of tailwind, Alternatively, the better approach is to install it using a package manager so as to get the full features of the framework

  1. Install on your project directory using npm or Yarn
# Using npm
npm install tailwindcss --save-dev
# Using Yarn
yarn add tailwindcss --dev

2. Create your configuration file

Generate a Tailwind config file for your project using the Tailwind CLI utility included when you install the tailwindcss npm package:

# Using npm
npx tailwindcss init
# Using Yarn
yarn tailwindcss init

This will create a minimal tailwind.config.js file at the root of your project:

you can configure create-react-app to use Tailwind.

Responsiveness is a Breeze

There are four major by default, inspired by common device resolutions

Small display(sm)@media (min-width: 640px) { /* … */}
Medium display (md)
@media (min-width: 768px) { /* … */}
Large display (lg)
@media (min-width: 1024px) { /* … */}
Extra-large display (xl)
@media (min-width: 1280px) { /* … */}

To add a utility but only have it take effect at a certain breakpoint, all you need to do is prefix the utility with the breakpoint name, followed by the : character: e.g.

<!-- Width of 16 by default, 32 on medium screens, and 48 on large screens --><img class=”w-16 md:w-32 lg:w-48" src=”…”>

By default, Tailwind uses a mobile-first breakpoint system, similar to Bootstrap. What this means is that unprefixed utility like uppercase take effect on all screen sizes, while prefixed utilities like md:uppercase only take effect at the specified breakpoint (medium) and above.

<div class=”bg-red-500 sm:bg-red-500 md-bg-blue-500 lg:bg-pink-”>

Tip: Don’t use sm: to target mobile devices. Instead use un-prefixed utilities to target mobile, and override them at larger breakpoints.

Tailwind breakpoints only include a min-width and don’t include a max-width, which means any utilities you add at a smaller breakpoint will also be applied at larger breakpoints.

So if you want to apply a utility at one breakpoint only, the solution is to undo that utility at larger sizes by adding another utility that counteracts it.

The makers of tailwind put a lot of thought into making the framework as non-opinionated as possible, this gives you a lot of freedom and ease of customization.


  • While you're still new to tailwind you might have to go back and forth their docs to get the right utility class names. Here’s a tailwind cheatsheet to help you get started 😉
  • If you’re the kind of developer that prefers not to reinvent the wheel, Here are some reusable tailwind templates

